Cobra Pose Back Extension for Fused Spine

Can you do yoga back extension poses if you have a fused spine?

Yes. But…

Doing yoga with a spinal fusion from scoliosis or any other condition is different. You will have range of motion constraints from the rods, wires, hooks, or screws placed in your back. Be mindful that the bending and rotating of your back will be more limited. However, exercise and yoga can still be valuable to keep your body strong and flexible and to reduce pain.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) can be adapted for spinal fusions. This pose strengthens the spinal muscles of the back and opens the front of the chest. The key to doing this pose with a spinal fusion is to limit the range of spinal extension and to enter the pose cautiously without forcing yourself into it. To best control your range of motion you will need to use a bolster (or several folded blankets) under your pelvis.

How to do it

1.      Place a bolster across the width of your mat.

2.     From hands and knees, bring your pelvis onto the bolster.

3.     Extend your legs back onto the mat, hip-width apart.

4.     Align your hands under your shoulders.

5.     Press into the tops of your feet, engaging your thighs, and lift the front of your chest up with straightened elbows.

6.     Expand through the front of your chest and release your shoulders down away from your ears.

7.      Hold for several breaths and lower to release.

This variation will help you find strength and length in your back, legs, and arms and stretch the front of your hips. It is also a good alternative for those with vertebral disc conditions or low back pain who are unable to do back extensions comfortably.